Monday 18 February 2013

Why it's important to name your images

Here's an article link for you today.  Snack Cups and Smiles has posted about Why it's important to name your images

I have only started to be conscientious about this recently.  In addition to you being able to search for your own posts, I understand that your posts will be more effective from an SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) point of view.

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  1. Excellent! I just saw something on this in the last few days and did it too my post pictures today. Guess I need to go back to my old posts too. My brain is too old for all this learning stuff! ;)

  2. I saw a post on that a few days ago. so true, and I always forget!

  3. Wonderful blog!
    New follower from the hop! from I Love My Online Friends 'GFC' Blog Hop. Will definitely visit again

    Crochet My Heart


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