Monday, 5 November 2012

Do you make it easy for people to follow you back?

If you are participating in blog hops - which are good at generating new followers, you need to make it easy for people to follow you back.  Just putting your blog name into the comment doesn't do it - unless you code it as a link. (Click here if you want to know how to do that).

When I click on the name of the person who has left me the comment that they are following, or on their thumbnail in Bloggers followers page, it is frustrating to find that the person's blog isn't listed and linked in.  Do check your Blogger and Google profiles to make it easier for people to follow back.

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1 comment:

  1. I don't really do the blog hops. I know a lot of people use their blog as a form of income, and that is wonderful. I don't, so generating followers for that purpose just isn't my thing. It is nice to be able to come back to someone's page though and give them some love back. :)


Comments are welcome. I will answer questions as soon as I can.