We all hate those
spammy comments, right? In fact I got so
annoyed that I killed them by only allowing comments by registered users. I posted about it here.
But I have noticed
that some readers have been having trouble leaving comments as a result. I suspect it might be a Google/Wordpress
thing. So, for now, I have reset the settings so anyone can comment and will
see how that goes.
Another thing I
discovered is that some perfectly legitimate comments get put into my spam comments folder – I thought that
because I moderate comments that all comments would go there first. But no!
So I recommend that you check
your spam folder on your Blogger dashboard every few days.
If you find a
comment or two from me there about Food on Fridays, please do still link in
even though time has passed. If you
leave me a comment I will be sure to visit and pin your dish onto the relevant
Pinboard so everyone can see it.
I know what you mean. I had 24 comments flagged as spam this morning. What a pain! but yes - one has to be careful, because sometimes there is a legitimate comment.