Thursday, 10 January 2013

You can kill the spam too!

You know how I don't like the word verification stuff - and so don't have it turned on, on my blogs.  But on my main blog, Carole's Chatter, I was getting quite a lot of spam comments.  I think this is because some of my posts have been submitted to StumbleUpon and Reddit and this seems to attract lots of page views - and spam.

Finally I figured out how to kill the spam - without having to use word verification.  All I did was go into my dashboard in Blogger and click Settings.  Then click Posts and Comments. You will find a question "Who can comment?".  I changed from anyone to Registered User - and that doesn't let anonymous comments through.  Don't forget to click on the orange Save Settings button towards the top right or else nothing will change.

I was a bit worried that some legit comments would be stopped - so I changed my little spiel about comments to ask anyone who had trouble to email me - but all the normal comments seem to be coming through just fine.  I'll probably remove that part of the comment stuff soon.

So if the thing stopping you killing the "prove you are not a robot" thing is the spam - I think this might solve your problem.  And it really is in your blog's best interests to change to no word verification - it does put so many people off from commenting on your blog.

Good luck.

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  1. Oh! I have been having lots of problems in the last week with a particular post (from years ago, strangely enough) attracting a LOT of spam. Has been driving me nuts. I don't have the word verification thing on, but I didn't know I could change it to registered users - thanks for the tip!

  2. Thanks, I have to do that. I've been manually deleting quite a few spam lately.

  3. I just woke up to a spam comment this morning. When I went to delete it it was already gone. I guess blogger got it. I need to do this.
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. I feel you on the word verification (I have it turned off too), and I'm not sure how my settings are set, so I'll have to go and check. I haven't had too much spam, though (knock on wood).
    I'm now a new GFC follower, here from the Meet & Greet Hop. =0) Thanks for linking up this week.

  5. I was having the same issue and discovered that setting-for some reason I started getting a ton of spam.

  6. Thanks for sharing this info...just turned off my word verification. A new follower from the Meet and Greet Blog Hop. Hope you can drop by my blog as well.

    Anne Marie

  7. Following from the harvest of Friends blog hop.

    What's a registered user?

  8. I just recently had to do the same thing Carole! Things have been so much nicer :)

    Thanks for linking up with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party!!


  9. Excited to see all your tips! Found you on That Friday Hop and am your newest follower, follow back if you'd like:)

    The Real

  10. You make a great point! I almost never get anon comments anyway so I think I should do this before spammers figure that out!

    Found you through the meet & greet link up :)


  11. I am not a lover of word verification either, so I'm glad you shared this tip! :)

    Found you through the meet & greet blog hop :)

  12. New follower from the Aloha blog hop!

    Great blog.



Comments are welcome. I will answer questions as soon as I can.