Thursday 13 June 2013

Get started with Bloglovin' right now!

Ok, it's official - I am a complete convert to Bloglovin'.  I thought I would never recover from the imminent loss of Google Reader - but what do you know - I like Bloglovin better!

It was easy to sign up and very easy to transfer my Google Reader blogs over to Bloglovin.  Everyone needs to do this (with Bloglovin or someone else) - within the 3 weeks left until Google Reader disappears for ever.

The things I really like about Bloglovin include:

  • They send you an email every time someone follows you so it is really easy to check if you are already following them and to follow them back if you aren't
  • When you use Bloglovin to read posts, the blog you are reading gets a pageview out of it - this did not happen in Google Reader (I have noticed an uplift in my own pageviews which I suspect is because of this)
  • It is very easy to keep up with blogs you follow - I have put them into different folders so I can quickly go to want I want.  Whereas with Google Reader I never seemed to catch up I am now finding it much easier to manage.
So don't delay - make the change - you won't regret it.

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  1. Thanks for this. Reader used to irritate me and I found that my personal blog roll was better. I will have a look at Bloglovin though in case Google decide to abandon the personal roll as well.

  2. I've been on BlogLovin for a while and I really prefer it too. I'm glad it's finally catching on now. :)

  3. Just found your site!!
    Now following!
    Looking forward to keeping up and getting to know you!

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  4. Hi Carole! Following you via Bloglovin now as well :-) Thank you for joining our Let's Get Social Sunday Party! Have a wonderful day :-)

  5. Thanks for joining us at the Let's Get Social Sunday! Diane @MamaLDiane

  6. Follwing on BlogLovin :) We're on there too!


Comments are welcome. I will answer questions as soon as I can.